Now open to "All" members of the Loyal Order of Moose

General Rules for Downers Grove Moose Lodge # 1535

Queen of Hearts Raffle

The Queen of Hearts is a progressive raffle that utilizes a Queen of Hearts manufacturer's raffle board. The board has been developed specifically for this Raffle Game and has 54 sealed sequentially numbered cards. Under the 54 sealed cards resides a randomly placed deck of poker cards with two Jokers. Typically, each week a raffle ticket is randomly selected and the raffle board card corresponding to the raffle board number on the ticket is revealed. Play continues weekly and the pot grows until the Queen of Hearts is revealed. At that point, whoever filled out the ticket wins the jackpot.

To enter:Buy ticket. Enter your name, Moose ID number ( found on your membership card) phone number, and available raffle board number that you want selected (1-54 for 1st week). All tickets must be filled out at the Lodge. Incomplete tickets and tickets of those who are not members in good standing will be discarded if drawn and a new one will be picked.

Tickets are sold for $1.00 each. There is no limit to the number of tickets purchased.  All tickets must be filled out at the Lodge. You must be a Loyal Order of Moose member in good standing to participate (as determined by the most recent printed list of Lodge 1535's members in good standing and/or by referencing membership data from Moose International's website). All tickets sold will be kept in a lock box behind the bar prior to the drawing and all tickets sales will be entered in the Lodge's POS system.

Tickets can be purchased up to 6PM sharp on the day of the drawing.  No tickets will be sold after that time even if people are still waiting in line to purchase tickets. Tickets must include the Member's name, Moose ID Number, telephone number and the number of the card on the board that you believe contains the Queen of Hearts. Only one name may be entered on each ticket. If more than one name is on a drawn ticket, the ticket will be discarded and another ticket will be drawn.  If tickets are illegible, missing the member's name or Moose ID, are otherwise deemed incomplete, or if the member is found to be not in good standing, or if the number on the ticket is no longer open/available, the drawn tickets will be voided and discarded.  In that case, a new ticket will be drawn from the drum. Telephone numbers will be used to notify a winner.  Telephone numbers will not be used to determine or confirm illegible information.  At the discretion of an official, telephone numbers may or may not be used to aid confirmation of whether a member is in good standing.   Tickets may not be retrieved or edited once placed in the lockbox or drum.

With the exception of 12/25/2021 and 01/01/2022, drawings will be held on Saturdays at 7:00 PM in the Lodge Social Quarters.  On 12/25/2021 and 01/01/2022, ticket sales will end 6PM and drawing will be held at 7:00PM the following day (12/26 and 01/02, respectively). After a week's drawing, ticket sales for the following week will commence as soon as is conveniently possible.

 All tickets sold during a week will be placed into a tumbler or similar device which will be used to mix raffle tickets. Ticketsmust be mixed in Public View.  Officials will choose a patron to randomly select one ticket from the tumbler.  After verifying the information on the ticket and ensuring that the member is in good standing, the card corresponding to the ticket's raffle board number will be cut out from Queen of Hearts board and revealed.

To win the jackpot, you must pick the Queen of Hearts from the Raffle board. If the Queen of Hearts is not selected, the game will roll over to the next week. After the drawing, all tickets from that week's drawing will be destroyed.

The pot will continue to build until the Queen of Hearts is drawn; the drawings may last up to 26 weeks. Weeks 1 -25 will have one card drawn. If the Queen of Hearts has not been drawn within the first 25 weeks, then week 26 will have a draw down until Queen of Hearts is selected. In the event of a drawdown, if the selected ticket's raffle board number was already drawn in a previous week, that ticket will be voided and another ticket will be drawn.  If the first valid ticket's raffle board number does not reveal the Queen of Hearts, then another ticket will be drawn. The process will continue until the Queen of Hearts is selected. If during the draw down a ticket reveals a raffle board number already selected during the draw down, the person will get the next highest sequential numbered square remaining on the board as their square for the Queen of Hearts. If there are no higher numbers available, then card number 1 will be selected. If card number 1 is not available, then the person will get the next highest sequential numbered square remaining.

The jackpot amount will be based on ticket sales. It will be updated and displayed in the Social Quarters of Downers Grove Moose Lodge #1535. A projected jackpot amount will be posted on the "mock" board in the Lodge Social Quarters. This amount will be updated weekly. 50% of the ticket sales will go to the jackpot less additional payouts as defined below and 50% will go to the Downers Grove Moose Lodge #1535.

Additional payouts are as follows: Jokers = $25.00, Heart Face Cards (Jack, King and Ace)= $25.00. If the 2 of Hearts through the 10 of Hearts is drawn, the person on the ticket will receive a free drink chip if present.

The jackpot winner need not be present.

This raffle has a maximum prize amount of $50,000 to the winners. This prize amount is based on the current limit set by the Village of Downers Grove.

The current length of the raffle is 26 weeks maximum, per the Village of Downers Grove.

If a prize of greater than $1,200.00 is awarded, the winner will need to confirm their identity and social security number by completing and signing IRS FormW-2G. In addition, the IRS requires a withholding of 30% of the winnings, less the amount of the wager. Winnings will not be distributed until the W-2G has been completed and signed. If a player is unwilling or unable to provide any of the listed items, the prize money will revert to Downers Grove Moose Lodge #1535. Additionally, prize winnings of $600.00 or more require the winner to complete a 1099 tax form.  If a player is unwilling or unable to provide the necessary W-2G information within 30 days, the successful player's award will go to the Downers Grove Moose Lodge #1535.

A winner cannot donate the prize without first taking ownership of the prize, which means the appropriate W-2G must be issued and the appropriate withholding taken. If a winner wants to the donate the prize, they may do so.

Tickets can be purchased immediately after the drawing and up to 6PM on the night of the next drawing. Tickets are only available at the Lodge.

If you do not agree with the rules of the game at this venue, there is no obligation to play.

Tickets may not be taken out of the lodge. They must be filled out in the lodge.

It is ok to use a stamp or sticker to fill in information on the ticket.

Comments welcomed. All members and activity groups are are invited to send pictures, info, and article's they would like to see posted to Any group that would like to manage there page themselves, please contact Dave Gardner at and I will send credentials to one person to mange there page, (or try to manage, help will be provided).

The Loyal Order of Moose is a private organization. All activities and events referred to on this Web site and in the Moose newsletter are available to members in good standing and their qualified guests only. This Web site is for informational purposes with proprietary information intended for members only. General information is available to the public at large, but should not be construed to be a solicitation for membership. This Web site is an initiative of Downers Grove, IL. Moose Lodge No. 1535 and is not sanctioned by the Loyal Order of Moose, Moose International or any subsidiary thereof. All logos, trademarks and service marks pertaining to the Loyal Order of Moose and/or its programs or degrees are copyrighted © by Moose International, Inc., Mooseheart, IL.